Vardan Ghukasyan addressed the heads of international organizations

DOK Party Chairman Vardan Ghukasyan has appealed to the heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in the Republic of Armenia. I, Vardan Ghukasyan, as the Honorary Chairman of the “Democracy, Law, Discipline” Party, a political force enjoying significant support in the Republic of Armenia, request your political and legal assessment of the recent belligerent and provocative statements made by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev against the Republic of Armenia. Statements describing Armenia as a fascist state and expressing intentions to carry out military operations against it are acts of open military aggression, which are unbecoming of the leader of a country that claims to be faithful to the principles of peace and international law. Such rhetoric not only undermines regional stability, but also directly contradicts the Constitution of Azerbaijan, the norms of International Law, and the universally accepted principles of peaceful coexistence.
Relevant legal framework: 1. Constitution of Azerbaijan • Article 7, paragraph 1. Azerbaijan is considered a legal state. • Article 9, paragraph 2. It clearly states that “Azerbaijan rejects war as a means of attacking independent states and resolving international conflicts.” President Ilham Aliyev’s statements about calling Armenia a fascist state and occupying it directly contradict the basic law of the country he leads.
2. United Nations Charter: • Article 2, paragraph 4 of the UN Charter prohibits the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. President Aliyev’s statements violate this fundamental principle.
3. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).• This treaty, to which Azerbaijan is a party, obliges states to respect and ensure the rights of other nations by promoting peaceful relations and refraining from hate speech or threats that incite violence.
4. Principles of Jus Cogens:• According to customary international law, the prohibition of aggression and threats of war is a mandatory norm (jus cogens), which is binding on all states, regardless of their domestic laws and political positions. President Aliyev’s recent statements threaten not only Armenia’s sovereignty, but also undermine the fragile peace in the South Caucasus region. The international community has a crucial role to play in upholding justice, peace and the principles of international law. I ask for your objective political and legal assessment of these statements and urge you to take effective steps to condemn such bellicose rhetoric.”