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Ruben Vardanyan answered Nikol Pashinyan from Baku prison

During interrogation in Baku prison, Ruben Vardanyan was asked questions regarding the statement addressed to Vardanyan during the last press conference of the Prime Minister of Armenia. Having received confirmation during a phone call with the family that such a statement was indeed made, Ruben Vardanyan asked to convey his following statement in an open format for the public.


"First of all, each person judges the actions of others based on his own life models and principles.

Second, if the Prime Minister had any questions for me, he had the opportunity to address them to me during our last meeting in November 2022, when I was also serving as Minister of State. In any case, I am ready even now, in the state of my present capabilities, to answer any question he may have.


Thirdly, I would like to remind the Prime Minister that in 2018 In the spring, when we met with him for the first time with colleagues, four of us, I sincerely presented him with three points, which I have kept and will continue to keep.


1. We and our partners do not want and will not interfere in the politics of Armenia.


2. We engage in charity, regardless of the attitude towards the Armenian authorities, because we do it for the people. For me, helping people remains an important issue and an important humanitarian mission.


3. The only thing that can change my approach is the fate of Artsakh.


The war of 2020 and the ongoing threat to Artsakh was a turning point for me, as I have repeatedly stated openly and consistently. Since then, all my actions have been dictated by concern for the fate of Artsakh and its people.


Now our nation is living through one of the most difficult and difficult periods in its history, but I continue to believe that despite the difficulties and disagreements, we will be able to overcome this stage and build a peaceful and bright future."

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